Friday, February 28, 2014


Good Morning!

 I am seriously over the snow and freezing weather. I am so ready for sweatshirt weather again! My absolute favorite season is Fall, but I will take Spring too. I really do live in the wrong state for someone who despises the cold. The older I get, the more sensitive I am to extreme cold (and heat!). I hate leaving my house on these super cold days!
Okay, onto my project. 
Ever since I started card making, I have tried to making my own flowers. Roses, to be more specific. I have NEVER been able to make them look the way I want them to. Again, I have watched Youtube videos, and tried step by step instructions I found on different blogs. You ladies make it look so easy, but it sure isn't! I think I have tried every kind of punch and die for making them, but I was never happy with any of the results.
I placed an order for some new roses the other day at Wild Orchid Crafts and didn't realize I forgot to get some rose buds! They are one of my favs, but I had only purchased one set the last time, so I have been using them very sparingly lol. So last night I decided to try one. more. time.

I actually made one I would be happy putting on a card! I was so excited that I decided to make more:
I made 3 of each color I thought I would use first. But now I'm ready to make a ton more. And maybe once I perfect them, I will try making the entire rose again. Maybe.
That's all for now. I hope you have a crafty day!



  1. Christine methinks you need to have more faith in yourself. These buds are absolutely fabulous. You couldn't pop across the pond and make me some would you - pretty please. I must admit flowers are not my fave to make. I've tried dies, tutorials etc. I'm getting there.
    Love Lea x

    1. Lol thank you! You hit it on the head the other day - we are our biggest critics. I'm going to go shoot you an email, so be sure to check ;)
