Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gotta have it

Hello Ladies!
I spent the better part of today straightening out my craft room. You know, that mess that 'mysteriously' appeared the other night? I didn't get very far, but far enough that I can sit at my desk, so that made me happy.
I am a frequent visitor of Pinterest. I tend to go on a few times a day. I love seeing the cards you ladies make and I'm in awe of the talent out there. I kept coming across this particular Spellbinder set. I kinda liked it. The more I saw it, the more I liked it. So I went from kinda liking it, to really liking it, to HAVE to have it! Of course my local craft stores don't carry this particular set. I've been checking constantly for the past couple of months. I try not to purchase online too much, but this set has been calling my name. LOUDLY.
I gave in.
I went online and ordered it. It only took 1 1/2 days to arrive (a new record!) so today was a happy day for  me! Who doesn't love getting presents in the mail?
Here it is:
Spellbinders Radiant Rectangles. 
 Now that I gave into my little addiction, scratched that little itch, I sit at my desk and draw a blank on all those great card ideas that ran through my head every time I saw this baby. Isn't that always the way? *sigh*
There's always tomorrow. But for today, my collection just got a tiny bit fatter. And my addiction? A tiny bit stronger ;)
Have a great evening, All!


  1. Hi Christine! I did a search on our Spellbinders' website. Here's what I found: Hopefully, these projects will get your creative juices flowing :)

    -Kendra, Spellbinders Social Media Community Manager

  2. I'm ready to get started on something new today. Thank you for the link!
